Rui Veloso Bio - Biography

Name Rui Veloso
Naionality Portuguese
Date of Birth 30-July-1957
Place of Birth Lisbon
Famous for Singing
Rui Manuel Gaudencio Veloso, commonly known as Rui Veloso, CavIH, is a Portuguese rock and blues singer and musician. This composer and interpreter had a great impact on the Portuguese music scene with the record Ar de Rock (April 1980), which influences were Eric Clapton and B.B.King.

Songs such as Chico Fininho and A Rapariguinha do Shopping became instant classics in the 1980s. His lyrics, normally written by Carlos Te, are strongly influenced by the Porto culture. An unconditional lover of the blues, he has played with B.B. King several times. He became one of the most productive and renowned Portuguese musicians, as his discography clearly shows today.