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Rose Tattoo |
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In the category of ´cult bands` Rose Tattoo has been at the top of the pile for years. The raw style of blues rock that the Australians manage to create out of a hot mix of slide guitars, pounding hooks with sharp and tight rhythm along with the unmistakeable voice of the front man Angry Anderson is what gives the fans a welcome feast in what is today a fast food orientated music business. The best thing about Rose Tattoo is: The band can take a punch and are full of vitality, they put every kick in the face behind them and still have the energy to carry on and deliver a new quality product. Their new album, Blood Brothers is not only a true to the time Rock´n`Roll album that mixes traditional and modern styles in a super high quality but is also a tribute to the band members Peter Wells and Ian Rilen who unfortunately recently lost their lives. In short: Blood Brothers is a manifestation of Rock´n`Roll of the strongest form, powerful, unrelenting and wildly uncompromising.
There have probably been more sophisticated explanations in the annals of rock music as to why a mature and experienced musician may feel that he has a vocation for rock ‘n’ roll, but here’s Pete Wells’ reply: “What else can you do in Australia but write rock songs?” he asks with amusement. “People always think everything’s so exciting over here, when in fact it’s dead boring. There are no crocodiles here, with the exception of Angry Anderson perhaps, and I’ve never run into Crocodile Dundee.”
Im Laufe der letzten Jahre hat sich der Rose Tattoo-Klassiker ‘Nice Boys’ als erschreckend prophetisch erwiesen. So weit das Auge reicht zeichnen sich nirgendwo auf der Szene eine rebellische Einstellung, geschweige denn Aufmüpfigkeit oder gar Können ab.
Es gibt weder Gemeinschaftsgefühl noch Brüderlich- oder auch Schwesterlichkeit, und schon gar keinen Zusammenhalt. Jeder ist mit sich selbst beschäftigt, jammert herum und kann Chuck Berry nicht von Frank Zappa unterscheiden.
Achtung Rock'n'roll Outlaws! The bad boys of rock, Rose Tattoo are heading your way. The Tatts will be touring Australia in June prior to jetting off to Europe. This tour sees Geordie Leach returning to the Rose Tattoo fold of Angry Anderson, Pete Wells, Mick Cocks and Paul Demarco. Geordie replaces bassplayer Ian Rilen who perfored on last year's national "All Hell Breaks loose" tour. Sydneysiders will still get the chance to see Ian when his own lassic band "X" supports Rose Tattoo at the Metro.
Over the last few years the sentiment for Rose Tattoo's classic, Nice Boys as proven to be disturbingly rophetic. There's no real rebel stance, no attitude or aptitude for that matter. here's nothing tribal, nothing rotherly or sisterly in terms of group ohesion. Everyone just looks at their eet and moans and wouldn't know Chuck Berry from Frank Zappa.